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Can't find the ID for monster. It has no interaction and i can't stan it with controler

You may interact with a monster when it is stunned at a magnet at the second encounter

(2 edits)

Good game so far. The ending part where you walk around in the suit is a bit short. Can you tell me what scene/object sequence in the javascript did you use to call the black ending screen so I could disable it?

This is in RPGmaker event, haven't dig that deep inti JS itself, sorry

Incredible game so far! I would love to see it or a similar game developed further! :)

Thank you! For now I'm thinking of a small update for this one to add a bot more kiny content to the first part of the game

You could also flip the premise on it's head, and have our heroine try to take over the world using the tech down there. I mean the reprogramming device is pretty aged by now, so something might have gone wrong in the right ways :).

There are also more floors to potentially explore


im locked idk how to get the blue card

(1 edit)

Nice little game. I had a (non breaking) bug, that after the first monster confrontation, tied monster stayed in front the device (just an image, non clickable). In the next encounters they overlapped (the first stayed until the end of game, others were removed correctly.)


Thank you a lot! Will try to track the problem down and fix

I was looking at the game files and noticed that the images have .png_ for their extensions, and that trying to change it to something like .png would result in an unreadable file. Is there a file-format or method to convert them that allows them to be viewed?

There are ways to decode RPGmaker files. Not like it was me who coded it, but you may google how to do it if you want to get the pictures :)

Thanks, I'll look into it. Should've thought of that myself, to be honest.

Hi. Since i love latex bondage and pixel art so i try the game. Didn't realized this game have horror tag. Make sense why she get "caught' by those hot latex bondage "monster". I mean "Game over". Funny me. Anyway, i wanna say it's pretty good game. 

can you add a play in browser version

I tried, but sadly it just won't load well

how do i open the first door of the game on the pc version

Open the keycard reader and click on the card in your inventory

Are there multiple endings?

Nope, just one for noe

(1 edit)

Stuck trying to deactivate lab 02-A. I can't enter the "-" character into the control room input. Only letters and numbers are allowed.
DEACT LAB O2-A should be the right command?

I thought I rewrote it in the protocol list...

DEACT LAB 02 A, without the "-", just a space

Sorry for wrong answer! I was too sleepy at the morning. You insert not a room name, but a protocol name. So it will be DEACT FUCK YOU since you deactivate the protocol labeled that way :)

Thanks for the answer. It occurred to me long after I closed the game that I should try that, actually. I'll give it another go. :


Hi, not a participant of the jam but I really like this game so far. Hopefully you guys will continue developing it, or at least another similar game. I love point n' clicks and I hope to see more of them.

I'm stuck after powering down the generator from 87% to 0%. There's a monster outside that kills me no matter what I do. I have no idea what to do. Any help?

This encounter is survivable when you reconfigure a remote control. It needs a remote control itself from the locker with hearts and an ID from the second moncter encouner, both may be entered into corridor terminal

The starting elevator shows half of green card when opening its panel 
The vault one makes game lag for 10s (low frame rate) when opening its panel

I don't get followed to the Offices corridor, is it the thing I need for the vault or I'm missing something? I've got the 87% thing, what else do I need?

By the vault one panel you mean a card reader near it? The bug with half of a green card I couldn't replicate as well, could you give more information?

To get into the vault elevator you have to turn power in 02-A off and get a blue keycard from the encasement zone. It needs to visit a control room and then use a starting keycard on the card reader

It says "I could use one battery to open this door", but I don't have any batteries yet

I can't open right two PCs on Encasement zone

(1 edit)

Thank you, terminals and battery things are fixed (files are currently loading)

I cannot start a new game, it teleports me to lab 02-A

Not sure if this is a file name issue or a "how you submitted it to Itch" issue, but the Windows version is labelled with "macOS" and the Apple version is labelled with "windows".

Neither card works on the vault

Have you got the third keycard, the blue one?

Did not know there was a third card and have no clue where it might be.

It is taken in the Encasement Zone when you transfer the bound person to the rightmost terminal and activate it

The game teleports me to 87% calculation room and I can't quit it as it teleports me back

And if I go down it says "you don't have batteries for this" even tho I do

From which room it happens?

I still get teleported to Lab 02-A from the corridor and can't exit it as I get teleported back in

Can't recreate the teleport thing. Have you updated the game? I fixed that before


Oh, found the problem, thx a lot!

would like to play but for some reason second keycard won't appear when I get it.

Thank you for finding the first gamebreaking bug:) 

Will be sixed in a few minutes

good news, the items appear in my inventory now :D
bad news, the first encounter seems to repeat every time I reenter the room. also, when pursued into the previous room, there's a text box that keeps popping up that just says "1".

Both should be fixed

is there supposed to be a sprint function in the game? 

It isn't supposed to be there, the character moves with the same speed all the time (there was a sprint in the first version which could lead to some huge bugs during monster encounters)

"There doesn't appear to be anything here..."

And now there is:)

Just created a page in advance